JAYNE ENGLE ALLEN’S SMALL BUSINESS ALERT: Workplace discrimination claims are at an all time high. In today’s sour economy, small business owners need to control expenses, but Employment Practices Liability…
If you use your car or truck in the regular operation of your business, you most likely need commercial auto insurance. Many business owners believe that their personal auto insurance…
A driver reported backing his Ford pickup into a fire hydrant in a commercial warehouse area with a large paved parking lot. The resulting damage and expenses included: - Fire…
In all my years in this business, I'd say the one product that drives people nuts (especially guys): is life insurance. When people don't have it, they squirm when the…
The preliminary results of the Jesusita are in. Over 60% of the homes lost or damaged in the Jesusita Fire were underinsured. What does this mean? Well, let’s say you…
If you knew, for a fact, that your home or business would burn to the ground tomorrow, would you buy the cheapest insurance policy you could find? Or would you…
IS A FIXED ANNUITY RIGHT FOR YOU? Fixed Annuities: Provide Guaranteed return Provide Tax Deffered Earnings (thus yeilding better return than CD's) Are NOT tied to the stock market Do…
10 WAYS YOU CAN SAVE MONEY WITHOUT SACRIFICING COVERAGE... So you’re shopping around for auto insurance. What do you need to know? Well, there are lots of ways – at…