Backing accident 1
A driver reported backing his Ford pickup into a fire hydrant in a commercial warehouse area with a large paved parking lot. The resulting damage and expenses included:
– Fire hydrant replacement, including cost of installation
– Damage to the parking lot caused by the sinkhole created by water escaping from the damaged hydrant. Did you know that a six inch water main connected to a fire hydrant can flow between 1000 and 1500 gallons of water per minute?!?
– Bill for hundreds of thousands of gallons of water.
Backing accident 2
– Creation of a large lake in the remaining parking lot, requiring special handling, pumping, and resulting in possible additional damage to structures.
– Cost of business interruption due to lack of access to parking lot until repairs are made.
– Extra security to block off damaged area to prevent other accidents.
Backing accident 3
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