If you use your car or truck in the regular operation of your business, you most likely need commercial auto insurance. Many business owners believe that their personal auto insurance is providing coverage for them while they use their vehicles for work. In some cases, such as realtors, and clergy members, this may be true. For most business owners, this is a costly misunderstanding. For example, did you know if you let an employee drive your personal auto, your insurance company may deny a claim?
Some examples of when you need commercial auto insurance
- You deliver… anything (food, newspapers, materials, finished goods)
- You carry passengers as part of your job, even if you don’t charge them (Garage or Automotive service ‘courtesy shuttle,’ preschool, senior care, hotel shuttle, etc.)
- Your vehicle has permanently attached equipment used for your job (pest control, construction, farming, etc)
- Your vehicle has signs/logos/etc
- Your employees drive their own vehicles as part of their job, or to run errands for your business.
- You or your employees rent vehicles for work purposes (i.e. business travel)
Sample of businesses we have helped with their commercial auto needs:
- Landscapers insurance
- Artisan and contractor insurance
- Truckers – Local and Long Haul
- Courier and delivery insurance
- Restaurant and food service insurance
- Farming and livestock insurance
- Wholesale business insurance
- Religious and nonprofit organization insurance
If you would like a quote on CA Commercial Auto Insurance, please fill in one of our online insurance quotes, or call our office at 805-781-6336.